
How to Care for Blackstone Griddle

How do you treat your Blackstone griddle? After cooking a fantastic meal on it, do you just let it go until next time? Caring for your flat-top grill is the primary way to enhance its longevity and ensure that it operates at its optimal.

Blackstone griddles can last a lifetime. But if you fail to take care of yours, it can rust, chip, flake, or lose its non-stick coating. This guide has everything you need to know about taking care of your Blackstone grill.

How to Care for Blackstone Griddle

Care for Blackstone griddles mainly involves cleaning, seasoning, and storage. Regular cleaning ensures the efficient and proper functioning of your grill. Seasoning helps strengthen and maintain the non-stick coat and protects the cooking surface from rust. Storing your grill in a cool, dry place with a cover on protects it from scratches, dust, and harsh weather elements.

Is it Difficult to Take Care of a Blackstone Griddle?

Of course not! Just like other cookware, a Blackstone griddle needs a bit of maintenance. Fortunately, it’s not tasking and time-consuming to care for your grill.

All you need is consistency and commitment to maintaining the original state of your grill top. Clean and season it correctly after every cook and keep it away from moisture. This way, you will not have to deal with rust or stickiness for a long time.

How Should I Care for My Blackstone Griddle?

Do you want your grill to last for generations and always function at its best? Here are pro tips to help you achieve just that:


Your griddle needs an appropriate place to chill in between cookouts. You cannot store it like any other cookware in your kitchen cabinet.

Here are some crucial factors to consider when determining the proper storage for your grill.


How often do you use your flat-top grill? Do you do outdoor cookouts for your family on weekends?

Consider an easily accessible place to store your grill if you griddle up quite often. And if you take a long while before using the grill, accessibility is not a key priority.

A Cool, Dry Place

A cast iron griddle is sensitive to the surrounding weather conditions. Water and air do not sit well with steel. A combination of the three is a sure recipe for rust.

Rust is simply iron plus oxygen plus water. Blackstone griddles are mainly steel-made, that is, iron plus carbon. Too much exposure to rust-causing elements will transform your shiny, black cooktop into a dull brownish surface.

The ideal storage for a Blackstone flat-top grill is a place that is not hot and doesn’t get damp. Dampness will cause rust, while heat is dangerous for the propane tank.

If you have a small, portable griddle, you can store it indoors in a closet. But if your griddle is big, don’t worry; detach the griddle plate to make storage easier. You can also keep your grill in a garage.

If you store your grill in the garage, periodically check on it. Condensation and dust can easily build up on the top. Give it a quick wipe with paper towels to prevent damage.

Avoid Pilling Things on Your Griddle Top

The flat top surface of a griddle can tempt you to pile stuff on it. Resist this temptation because you may end up damaging the delicate surface.

Placing heavy things on the grill cooktop can weaken the seasoning layer or cause scratches and cracks.

Cover Your Griddle

Purchasing a high-quality, waterproof griddle cover is an excellent way to care for your grill. The cover is ideal when storing your griddle outdoors. When keeping your grill in the garage for added protection, you can also use it for added protection.

A cover shields the grill surface from dust, rust, scratches, rodents, and other possible damages.

You can consider getting a Blackstone griddle cover custom-made for your particular model. These covers are water-resistant, high quality, and engraved with the Blackstone logo.

But if you are working on a budget, there are tons of after-market griddle covers to choose from.

I have discussed this topic in detail elsewhere, have a look at my complex article on how to store Blackstone griddle.


You can cook pretty anything on a flat-top grill using varying temperature settings. However,  remember that a Blackstone griddle can heat up to very high temperatures.

The following are crucial temperature tips you need to observe to help your grill last longer.

Do not Preheat Your Grill to High.

This tip applies to most cooking surfaces, not just the grill. Preheating your grill on high can cause your cooking surface to warp. It is unnecessary when cooking meals at room temperature.

An exception is when cooking food, mainly meat, straight from the refrigerator. In this case, you will need to heat up your grill higher to offset the cooktop’s drop in temperature due to adding cold meat.

Once the grill reheats, turn down the heat to a lower temperature.

The best way to preheat your grill is on low or medium-low as you prepare your cooking ingredients.

Preheat Gently: Start Low, Don’t Overheat

Since a grill takes time to heat up, you might have the urge to fire it up to full blast, but don’t!

Start with a low heat setting and gradually increase until you reach your desired temperature. Preheating slowly allows you to control the heat with ease, and it’s easier to make the surface hotter.

Once the cooktop is hot, don’t heat it to extreme temperatures. The maximum temperature needed to sear meat ranges between 500 and 550 degrees Fahrenheit.

The maximum temperature a flat-top grill can handle without damage is 600 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything above that risks warping your cooking surface.


  • It would be good to have an infrared thermometer at hand. It will help you determine the exact temperatures of the cooktop to avoid going overboard.
  •  Use the dials on your grill to increase or reduce the temperatures.
  • Avoid cooking frozen food on a hot grill. If you have to, consider starting on a cold grill, meaning you place the frozen food on a cold cooktop and then turn on the burners. They will get hot together. Otherwise, thaw your food beforehand.
  • Do not pour hot water on a cold griddle. Also, don’t pour cold water or ice on a hot griddle. The temperature variations could cause warpage.

Do Not Use Only One Burner

The Blackstone flat-top grill can get pretty hot, even in a low-temperature setting. As a result, you would want to turn on only one burner, especially when cooking a small meal like eggs.

Although it seems logical, it is dangerous. Turning on one burner creates an extreme temperature difference on the different sides of the grill. This way, your griddle can easily warp.

If you are cooking a small meal, turn on all the burners and set them on the lowest heat.


Cleaning your Blackstone griddle is crucial in enhancing its longevity and ensuring that it performs at its optimal.

A new Blackstone grill needs a thorough cleaning before the first use. It is also recommended to clean your grill after every use.

If you are storing your griddle for a long period, ensure that it is thoroughly clean. Any slight smell of food will attract rodents.

Do Not Use Soap or Cleaning Products

The only time you require soap on your griddle plate is if it is new. If you have already cooked on your grill, ditch the soap. Plain warm water is enough to leave your cooktop sparkling.

Cleaners will leave a funky taste on your cooktop, which will surely ruin your meals’ flavor.

Do Not Use Abrasive Scrubbers.

Abrasive scrubbers are not necessary for your routine cleaning and maintenance of your griddle. Consider investing in a Blackstone scouring pad instead.

I have discussed in detail this topic in how to clean a Blackstone griddle. Check it out.


If you want your flat top to last a lifetime, seasoning is a must. The initial seasoning of a new grill helps to build a permanent, non-stick layer. This layer is strengthened every time you cook on the grill with cooking oil.

After cleaning your grill before storage, ensure that you season it. Apply a thin, uniform coat of cooking oil, and that is it!

Seasoning builds a protective coating on your cooking surface, protecting it from rust.

I have prepared a complete guide on seasoning a Blackstone griddle. Check it out.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you clean and maintain a Blackstone griddle?

After cooking, scrape off the food remains and wipe off the excess grease with paper towels. Sprinkle some warm water on the surface and dry with paper towels. Season your grill with some cooking oil and store it in a cool, dry place.

How often should you condition your Blackstone griddle?

You should season your flat-top grill with a light coat of oil after every cook. Doing so helps to maintain a non-stick cooking surface.

Do I need to condition my Blackstone griddle?

Yes, you need to season your new grill before the first use. This process helps create a permanent, natural, non-stick layer.

Why is food sticking to my Blackstone griddle?

Food sticks to your grill because of the accumulation of cooking oil on the cooking surface. Also, burnt food that is not properly cleaned and too much heat can cause food to adhere to the cooktop. Read more on why food sticks on a Blackstone griddle.

Wrapping Up

Griddle care and maintenance are essential in ensuring your appliance’s proper functioning and durability.

Avoid soaps, detergents, cleaners, and abrasive scrubbers on your cooking surface. Keep your grill away from moisture, and always season it after cleaning.

Ensure that you preheat your grill on low heat and increase the temperatures gradually. And avoid exposing your grill plate to abrupt temperature changes.